Beer, beer everywhere and not a drop to drink

Having a borderline unhealthy beer obsession has it perks: Your friends will generally trust your judgement as to which bar you should go to, you have a great excuse for going to the pub when "there's a blogger event", and very occasionally you get to try some truly amazing beers.

It also has its down sides though, and one of them for me is a growing collection of beers which are either far too strong, too hoppy, too boozy or just too damn special for cracking open willy nilly.

I'll often get home from work and quite fancy a beer before realising I've not put anything in the fridge, and that my beer cupboard (it's more of a beer wardrobe now...) is full of hop bomb Imperial IPAs and big boozy Barley Wines, and give up on the idea altogether.

You'd think that having more beer in the house would mean you drink more beer, but in my experience it has the opposite effect. You get more choosy, and drink less.

That's why fridge beers are so important. Beers that will chill down well, can be kept in the fridge and neglected until needed, but still taste great. Not too strong, not too bitter, not too rich. Just tasty, drinkable and satisfying.

My favourites at the moment are Oakham Citra, Harviestoun Schiehallion and Punk IPA.

What are yours? Do you have them? Am I alone in this?



  1. Get on a 5Day Barley Wine spree... you know you want too. I'm justifying it by posting my thoughts about one or two of them...

  2. Haha I actually have been following your exploits. Keep up the good work mate

  3. I see your pain! I pretty much always have a good stock of tasty drinking beer, currently I have Stringers IPA and Mallinsons Citra as well as some Goose Island IPA.

    I'm also quite fond of some German Weiss biers for the hotter days, Home Bargains stocks Franziskaner Weissbier for just £1.59 a bottle, awesome beer at a fab price!

  4. yes and they always run out far too quickly, though i'm winding down my collection too in preparation for hopeful move.
    Punk IPA a favourite

  5. Hawkshead Lager, Brooklyn Lager, Schneider Weiss (any), Goose Island IPA, Anchor Porter, and lambic fruit beers (Boon, Lindemans, etc). Sadly, my fridge is empty. I need to stock up!

  6. I have a habit of picking up kernel beers every time I go to a shop down the road from work that also does lovely meat. I now have a big supply of 7%+ crazy beers, but nothing sensible...

  7. Oakham Citra for me too, and I'm quite partial to St Peter's IPA, Stringers IPA and Thwaite's Wainwright. Calvors lager is also very nice straight out of the fridge.

  8. You are not alone! It's an age old problem. The lovely weather prompted me to sort this out, as the last few nights saw me reaching into the cupboard and emerging with a Rochefort 10 and a Vitesse Noir! not what I wanted at all. A visit to our friendly ghost and I now have Jever, Moor Top and a few other quaffers.

  9. I definitely share your circumstance! It's a constant battle to try to remember to pick up some 'drinking beers' in between the acquisition of 'beer booty' for the cupboard, but they get used up as soon as I've managed to carry some home. Favourites to have in the fridge just-in-case would normally be something like an Odell IPA, Magic Rock or German weiss (Paulaner, Weihenstephaner). But this week my fridge beer will be a Berlinerweiss - 3%, thirst-quenching easy summer drinking.

  10. My other half mocks me for frequently coming home with 'drinking beers', despite having cupboards full to the brim.

    I didn't think anyone else used the term 'drinking beers. I feel better about myself now.

  11. With you all the way on this I suffer solidly from drinkaphobia with so many savers & not enough drinkers. I normally take large orders of SWB, Hardknott, Red Willow etc when I can for solid reliable drinkers, plus supermarket USA supplies of Sierra Nevada & Goose Island. Maybe the ofd pilsner too.

  12. Yep, been there. It actually kind of links to comments I've just made on the session - I collect Pales purely to balance out the things that might 'end up on the blog'. 'Drinking beers' and 'blogging beers' is a good way to put it. Oakham Citra rocks.
