Big Apple Bound

On August the 11th I'm going to New York for 5 days. For anybody even remotely interested in food or beer this is an exciting prospect.

I've never been To NYC before but Colette has, which is hugely helpful if you want to know where sells Louboutins, or which shop is run by a Kardashian (anybody who doesn't know what either of those things are, I envy you), but not much help if you want to know where the best craft beer is served.

I must admit though, it is going to be a big advantage having somebody with me who's pounded the streets before and negotiated the subway, which incidentally, looks bloody baffling compared to the Tube.

We're staying in the Meatpacking district thanks to a great deal on, but I expect to be travelling all over Manhattan and Brooklyn over the course of the trip.

I've already got a bit of a wish list of places, mostly bars, BBQ and burger joints, but if anybody has any suggestions then I'm all ears. Leave your recommendations below guys.


P.s. Thanks must already go to Matt from North Bar and Mark from Pencil and Spoon for their help, and/or blogposts on New York beer bars.




  1. I went for the NYC beer festival a couple of years back. Just a couple of suggestions for you:

    Best burgers were shake shack, which are dotted about Manhattan and Brooklyn. The concrete shakes are utterly amazing, the also have their own beer brewed for them by Brooklyn.

    Rattle and Hum bar is everything you want in a beer bar, hundreds of beers to choose from on keg, cask & bottle. Delicious snacks, their cheese board is huge and perfect for snacking along with the beers. The beer flights are a great idea as you can try several then. The bar staff go to beer school and are really knowledgeable and helpful (annoying music on the website though.)

    We went to the chilli fiesta at Brooklyn botanical gardens which was a fun day out, music, all kinds of foods cooked with chilli: Mexican, Thai, Indian... and Six Point Brewery beers.

    A lot of the breweries do special BBQ events over the weekends, with music and their full range on. We met the guys from River Horse in New Jersey who were lovely, if you can bear to tear yourself away from the city, pop over.


  3. A great sticky and dirty steakhouse same side of 8th as Madison Sq Gardens, near 33rd I think. Saw John Stewart in there after a basketball game. Beer menu escapes me but there's a great corner shop nearby with about one quarter of it's wall space dedicated to beer. And that was in 2007.

  4. If you're looking for goodies to bring back home, the Wholefood Store at Bowery is a good place to visit. They have a homebrew and beer section with a good selection of both homebrew products and bottled beers:

    Note that the main beer section is kind of separate to the main shop. They do sell some beers in the main shop, but they have a whole lot more in the special section, which is after the main checkouts (I nearly missed it!).

    Good Beer is another good place (with on and off sales) that's not far away either:

    For bars, last time I was there I spent some time in Gingerman and Rattle 'n' Hum:

  5. Had a great selection of nice beers at the Brass Monkey in the Meatpacking District where you are staying which is incidentally one of the best places for bars, clubs and least from what I've seen in a week's time there but I must have missed loads. I'm sure you'll discover more than me though.

    The subway is really dead easy, looks daunting but it's dead simple and really quick, make the best use of it but you will inevitably do a LOT of walking so get some comfy shoes...

    aaaah New York... you're going to have a blast !

  6. I think the best bars we went to were The Ginger Man, Rattle N Hum, Blind Tiger (all on Manhattan) and Mug's Ale House in Brooklyn.

  7. Ginger Man is very good, would also recommend the 5 Napkins for burgers (fair range of beers as well) and The Pony Bar

  8. The Brooklyn Brewery tour is fantastic, also check out their events such as this

    If you want the full dirty Brooklyn hipster experience Barcade is worth a trip (retro video games and craft beer, say no more).

    Also in Brooklyn is the cracking Fette Sau BBQ,

    In Manhattan the pork buns at Momofuku noodle bar are a life-changingly brilliant, incredible, awesome, wonderful orgasm of fatty pork belly and steamed bun.

    And as mentioned Shakeshack is a must see

  9. For great burgers try the Corner Bistro in the Village

    McSorleys is the best beer on tap and cheap in NYC at $3.

    For a great NYC bar check out the Ear Inn on Spring St. Brooklyn on tap

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