Wikio Beer & Wine Rankings for August

I was emailed a few months ago by Wikio and asked to preview the Beer & Wine rankings but I declined as I wasn't in the top 20 myself and it just felt a little odd to be honest, who was I to comment? Well they emailed me again this month with the news I've moved in to the Top 20, which is a nice email to get on a Monday morning I have to say.

So as I'm now a bit more involved I thought I'd accept the offer this month and give everybody the preview. So here we go.

As seems to be the norm there isn't a huge amount of movement near the top - a few places shifted here and there, but no massive surprises. Although a certain Beer-Ritz-Based Padawan Beer Geek looks to have overtaken his Beer Blogging Jedi of a boss, which might make the weekly staff meeting a bit uncomfortable....

Some of the Wine Bloggers are holding their own too.

The Wikio Rankings should of course be taken with a pinch of salt, and as has been said many a time before it's the quality of a blogs content which really matters in the grand scheme of things. Interesting, high quality, and relatively often. That's what makes a great blog, and it's the ones which deliver that which I enjoy reading most.

Ranking made by Wikio


  1. YOU WHAT, 15th? How did that happen? I expected to drop heavily.

    I've been super busy at work, on holiday and blogged about 4 times last month.
    I attribute Zak Avery posting a link after I posted video from Open Baladin in Italy to my sucsess.

    Bravo on breaking the Top 20 Neil, you deserve it for all your hard work and for writing a interesting blog.

    As Reluctant Scooper says Wikio Rating is a big self-congratulatory wankfest! But personally I appriciate the validation from the readers and peers. Its nice to get a pat on the back.

  2. Yeah I think it's nice to be noticed. Am quite flattered to be in there even if it only means a handful of peers are reading my blog. That combined with visitor/subscriber numbers helps give some indication of being on the right track.

    Thanks for your comments as well Rob. I write blogposts that I'd like to read myself, possibly not to everyones tastes but at least a few people seem to be like-minded.
