Breaded pork escalope with roasted new potatoes and chestnut mushroom sauce

I'm going to keep the recipes to a minimum on this blog because I'm a home cook and not a chef, and let's face it there are other people out there doing it bigger and better. However I wanted to share this recipe because it's something we eat all the time, it's really simple, and every single time I make it I love it. Plus it goes really well with the Fullers Bengal Lancer IPA I decided to crack open tonight.

Also, you may notice a lack of measurements. I'm not Delia, so it's tough I'm afraid. If it's anything that requires exact measurements I will try and say though.

(Serves 2) To make this you'll need:
  • 2 Lean Pork steaks - trimmed of fat and flattened to about 1cm thick with a meat mallet
  • 1 Egg
  • Flour
  • White breadcrumbs (either fresh or dried ones)
  • 1 Onion
  • 1 Clove garlic
  • a good handfull of Chestnut mushrooms
  • Single cream
  • Butter
  • Sea Salt
  • Black pepper
Serve with:
  • Roasted new potatoes (toss in olive oil, salt, pepper and rosemary then roast for about 40 mins at 200c)
  • Buttered green cabbage


1. If having the roast new potatoes with the pork then get them in the oven first and forget about them, they can't really go wrong.
2. Chop the onion and fry on a medium-low heat in a little butter and olive oil until soft.
3. Slice the chestnut mushrooms and add these to the onions along with a crushed clove of garlic and reduce heat to low.
4. Coat the flattened pork in flour, dip in the beaten egg, then coat in the breadcrumbs. Set aside.
5. Add about 150ml of single cream to the mushrooms, season with a little salt and lots of black pepper. Add another knob of butter to help thicken. (You can never have too much butter in this sauce!) Adjust the amount of cream if you want more or less sauce, but add more mushrooms and pepper aswell as it should be slightly thickened and rich with flavour. Leave to bubble on a low heat.
6. Shallow fry the the escalopes in veg oil (olive oil will burn) on a medium
-high heat for 2 minutes either side until golden brown. They will cook quite quickly as are fairly thin. Drain on kitchen roll
7. Serve with the potatoes and cabbage (or your choice of veg). With the sauce spooned over the edge of the escalope

I was going to be drinking the Bengal Lancer tonight anyway because it was in the fridge and I fancied it, but actually, it was a great match!

I'm not going to bother with a review as such because it's been around for long enough that I think you've probably tried it! All I'll say is it's a well balanced, british style IPA, with a nice hop bite and light bitterness, and a juicy background of malt. It's no hop bomb, but it's a great, clean, tasty, well balanced beer. Something Fullers do extremely well. Always, sparkling bright with great bottle conditioned carbonation, it's another nice beer from a consistently good brewery.


  1. Mate! keeps those posts up, I'd buy that if I saw a picture of it!

  2. Cheers GD! Although I'd question your choice of restaurant if they have pictures of the food on the menu! :)

    It's a great recipe though, plus the breadcrumb coating stops the pork drying out like so often happens.

  3. What, Little Chef's not a good place to eat? ;)

  4. I was thinking more kebab shop window, but yeah Little Chef is a good example, or pretty much any restaurant in Majorca that caters for British tourists!

  5. Now that looks really, really good. Chestnut mushroom sauce? Yes, please. Bengal's a great beer, would love to try it on cask. Lots of marmaladyness. Very nice match indeed!

  6. Gonna try this next week. Looks and sounds great, so don't hold back if you have more like this.

  7. Cheers Mark. I've been surprised by the amount of interest in this, maybe I will post a few more recipes after all!

    One thing I didn't mention above (but is kind of implied) is that I usually start doing the sauce and escalope after the potatoes have been in for about 20-25 minutes.

    Be sure to let me know how you get on!

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